Monday, December 27, 2010

Failures and Looking Forward

Happy Holidays long lost friends!  Wait a minute...I think I am the one who has been long lost.  I have failed to do anything with this blog since September! Shame on me.

It seems that keeping up with a blog during my first year of teaching has proven to be quite a sorry to have let the ball drop here.

My experiences this first year have been different than what I expected.  I knew I would be challenged, and I have certainly been challenged.  My time as a first year teacher is a picture perfect example of this lyric from a Legally Blonde the Musical song, that says "even if I crash and burn ten times a day, I think I'm here to stay; I'm gonna find my way." But God has been good, sending me small assurances and affirmations here and there when I've needed them. 

In other news of failure, I have again...totally failed in keeping ANY of my resolutions from last year...but on a positive note, I did find success in living by the "Yes Man" philosophy.  Not sure if this is something I ever really mentioned in any of my previous notes, but if you've seen the Jim Carey movie, then you know what I'm talking about.  Essentially the idea is to say "yes" to every opportunity that comes your way.  (Granted...still using sound judgement and reasoning lol).  But I can safely say I have said yes to many opportunities this past year that were out of my comfort zone, and yet lead to some life changing amazingness.  My "yes's" have lead me to a job in a highly reputable district, at an incredibly unique school.  I have moved out of my parents house and into the city where I have met some incredible people and formed amazing relationships.  I also took the plunge at a friend's suggestion and joined an online dating site for a brief period of was brief because in mere weeks I met the most incredible man ever through the site, and we are extremely happy together.

In looking forward, the new year is upon us and I will be making more resolutions...and yes probably failing at those too...but still.  Gotta keep plugging away at it, right?  I have begun to compile a list of things I would like to accomplish in the next year, but be on the look out for a blog of resolutions to come.  For now, I will leave you with my starting list, and feel free to share what's on your list for 2011.

1. Learn to sew (like legit, be able to make my own clothes)
2. Read more classics (do you realize I have never read a Jane Austin book?!)
3. Actually memorize some scripture (other than John 3:16 lol)
4.Cook more and learn more recipes
5. Refurbish my piano skills
6. Write more music
7. Keep up with this blog more :-P
8. And the classic...get in better shape...

Well that's all for now.  Hopefully I'll hear from some of your list items for this year :)

Me :)

1 comment:

  1. If you're going to read Jane Austen (and I do recommend it:D) you should DEFINITELY start with Persuasion. It's the shortest and IMO, hands-down the best. Sweet and hopeful and romantic. It's awesome:)
