Monday, April 5, 2010

The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

So lately I've been feeling all sorts of low.  Creeping, nagging feelings of loneliness and inadequacy have really taken my heart and mind captive, and I have just been a hot mess for a while now (and not in a good way).  So last night I was FINALLY out with some friends having a good ol' time at one of the local joints we like to frequent.  I had been mildly successful in numbing myself and drowning out the hurt for the evening when we walked back to our original starting point and inside on one of the coffee tables was a Bible study book called "What to Do With Your Wait."  Now...this book has been sitting on this coffee table basically all year...and I had never really taken two seconds to read the cover...but last night...I wasn't going anywhere for a little I picked it up and settled on the couch for a bit, and began.  I have now "borrowed" the text, and will return it whenever I'm finished, but it was certainly what the doctor ordered for my life...or at least what the Lord did, which I am pretty sure is better.  But I know that at the core of my lowness and loneliness right now is this unbearable and intolerable wait....waiting for a mate...waiting for a job....waiting for the chance to get out on my own and start my life (you know the life that doesn't depend on your parents for everything...) and this waiting game has become a miserable experience and existence for me, and I have succumbed to many of the whispered lies that have poked and prodded at me for a long time.  As of late, I know I have really hit a new low...and so this word could not have come at a better time....and funny how it would strategically plop itself into my life on one of those nights...and right at the beginning of my spring break I can actually take the time to do it...huh...

Anyway...just thought I'd share. Now I'm off to start my day. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. So, I totally heard you say "WHABAM" in my head when I read this! I love you!
