Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bucket list Part 1

So this isn't really a bucket list but more of a list of things I want to do in the next few years...things I want to do while I'm still young and full of life and energy.  (And since I finally have a big girl job with a big girl income, I will finally soon be financially able to do these things).

-Go to Europe (all over! Germany, France, ITALIA, Poland even, and of course ENGLAND! Scotland, and IRELAND! oh yeah and Greece and Spain (ok so this one may have to wait a bit longer but it's going to happen)

-Go on a cruise either Mediterranean or Caribbean

-Go on a legitimate road trip with my besties perhaps across country and back!

-Roll up somewhere in a limo...b/c I've never ridden in one before.

-I want to dye my hair red...b/c I've always wanted to be a red head

That's all I got for now...I just had this stuff on the brain for some reason and needed to put it out there.

In other news I know I've been super slack lately on basically all of my new year's resolutions, and I'm sure at this point, the rest of everyone out in cyber land has forgotten about theirs too.  But lately I have gotten back into at least one of mine, and that's the one about trying something new every week.  I think it might be this whole new sense of freedom I'm feeling since I am getting ready to leave the nest but at least these past two weeks I've definitely done some things I've never tried before.  All of which make for some great stories....most of which I won't be sharing on here.  But I can tell you that I've tried a new restaurant and new food and couldn't believe I had never been there before in all my years of living here.    Also went for a late night swim in the ocean in my dress...think The Little Mermaid when she emerges from the water in her purple sparkling dress (a dream come true lol)

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