Monday, January 10, 2011

Check In

Hola bloggies...bloggos....bloggaroos. (There's quite a variety of fun ways to address you all.)

So we are at the top of week two in the new year, and here are some quick updates.

I have decided what one of my first sewing projects will be...making some sort of curtain for the kitchen window in my townhouse.  I was home today, and prepping to cook up a storm in the kitchen (hooray, I cooked something new today!...well, I'd had it before, but it was my first time making it, but we'll come back to that.)  Anyway, I was in the kitchen during that late afternoon/early evening time frame...when the sun is working on setting, and it was just BEAMING through the kitchen window.  Quite blinding actually.  So I've decided that's just not going to work.  But right now, we have no blinds, nothing.  So that "need to go"!

Now back to the cooking topic.  I decided tonight with the upcoming snow days *fingers crossed* would be a great time to try out a soup recipe my mom makes that I LOVE.  Well silly me...I went out to the store, and got everything I needed EXCEPT the chicken broth.  UGH! Well I refused to make another trip to the store.  Thank goodness my roommate had some that she kindly let me use, but it wasn't enough for what the recipe called for so I compensated with didn't quite taste the same as when Mom makes it, and I probably could've sauteed the veggies a little longer, but all in all, not bad.  And the recipe makes a TON!  So I'm set with food for the next week, and it will be great to have when I get *snowed in*

Onto other things I resolved to do this new year, allow me to share with you this scripture, as I decided I wanted to memorize God's word more.  A verse a week.  Last week's was this:

Psalm 22:9-10
Yet you brought me out of the womb.  You made me trust in you even at my mother's breast.  From birth I was cast upon you.  From my mother's womb, you have been my God.

(and yes, I did type that from memory.)  As I chewed on this verse over the past week and reflected on what it has to say about who God is and who I am to Him, I realized this verse packs a powerful message, and truly spotlights what it means to be a child of God.  This verse says that God's had has been at work in my life from the the womb.  That He has an intention and purpose for me, and for everything in my life.  To discover and own His purpose in my life is a sweet adventure.

That's all for now folks.  Hopefully I'll be back soon with more recipes, adventures, and truths to share.

1 comment:

  1. You inspire me! Thanks for reminding me how important it is to memorize scripture! I think that I'm going to need to start doing that!
