Monday, May 16, 2011

Do You Believe in Magic in a Young Girl's Heart?

"Do you believe in magic" by The Lovin' Spoonful pretty much sums up my weekend...simply magical.  OK, so that sounds really cheesey, but I don't care.  Everything about this weekend was magical, in its simplicity, in its fun, in the people I spent it with, and everything that happened.

This weekend, I gave myself the treat of a three day weekend by taking a personal day on Friday.  Thursday night I rolled down to C's place after having a delicious dinner with some great family friends up here at a new Irish pub that just opened up.  Friday morning I was finally given some closure to a job opportunity I was pursuing back in my hometown, the principal called me and we had a lovely chat, but it looks like their hiring situation might not be changing after all (meaning they won't have any positions) and if it does, they won't know anything until July or August probably, which is a little too long for me to wait around.  So, with that said, I felt it best to accept another offer I received last week that will keep me teaching in this same county, just at a different school.  So...Friday morning I accepted a job offer for next year at a new school that I think is a much better match for me, my skills, my needs/desires, and my personality.  I am very excited about this decision, and so glad that I was with C when all this happened.  I'm so grateful that we had the chance to talk face-to-face about it and come to a decision together, with him, and with my parents (I clearly called them as well).  I love making decisions with C.  It feels so good to be together on these things, and to be on the same page, plus I just love the fact that I have someone I trust to bounce ideas around with, to pray over things, and to provide different perspectives.

Anyway, so then C had to run off to work, and I dinked around the house, facing booking, reading, e-mailing, and then got cleaned up.  I met up w/C for lunch at his office and found that they were having a birthday lunch for some of the staff there, and showed up to the most amazing and delicious spread of food!  So we had a delightful lunch outside complete with dessert and wine.  Have I mentioned the fact that I LOVE the perks that come with C being employed at a winery?  Anyway, after lunch I headed off to the grocery store to pick up some things for our weekend ahead, while C finished up some things are work before leaving early.

I finished up grocery shopping at the same time he left work, and we were able to get packing right away for a weekend get away with some friends to camp in VA Beach!  Our trip was amazing.  I was worried about the weather ruining it, but fortunately it worked out for us.  We woke to the sun shining, the boys cooked everything, we made bacon cheeseburgers, pancakes, eggs, and bacon for breakfast.  We had good music, good food, good drinks, and great company.  We went for a brief bike ride that got cut off when our friend broke his new $600 bike....LAME oh and this same guy broke his camping chair the night before.  Poor guy...but we got lots of laughs out of it.  So with our bike trip cut short, and the sun out...we decided it was time to head to the beach.  When we arrived the cloud cover had rolled in and we started to worry, but the day went on and no rain, and then the sun came out and STAYED OUT!  We played frisbee, volleyball, football, the boys were crazy enough to do some polar boogie boarding, and I basked in the gloriousness of the sun napping on the beach.  Then we walked the boardwalk, where the whole time I was wishing I had a beach cruiser bike particularly the one I saw a couple weeks ago at Wal-Mart, got some ice cream, and then headed back to camp to get cleaned up for dinner.  For dinner we went to a great seafood place called Bubba's, where we sat outside on the upper deck, ordered calamari to start and crabcakes for dinner, YUM!

Sunday, woke up and did some shopping w/C, went to Wal-Mart and got my BIKE :) (you should have seen me jumping up and down in the store like a little girl, and then when C was putting it together for me when we got home). I also bought a fishing pole, and C bought us a picnic basket (we have been wanting one for the summer) and bought me a picture frame.  Once we got our picnic basket we were on a mission to find a cute plastic dish set to go with it, but we haven't found something we like yet.  I loved shopping for these with him though.  When we shop for things like picnic baskets and picnic dishes together, it feels like we're shopping for the things we need/want for our lives together.  I love that.  I am sooo excited for summer now.  I've got my Panama Jack Beach Cruiser complete with a cup-holder, cooler storage, and bottle opener, I've got a fishin' pole, we've got a picnic basket, I've got cute sun dresses and shorts, we've got aviators and hot new swim suits, and I've got my wide-brimmed floppy straw hat.  Can't wait to have a summer of biking to the water for fishing and picnics, reading books in the Eno hammock, and beach bumming it up!  Hmmm....I wonder what the weather will be like this weekend..I hope it's good bike/picnic weather.  :)

More to come on an additional part of the weekend that made more magic, seeing my ROOMIE for the first time in a LONG time, and exchanging our Christmas gifts, (YES, in May...)  Don't worry roomie, I didn't forget, you will be getting your own blog post! :-P

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