Monday, May 31, 2010

Why wait for Thursday to be Thankful?...

I don't want to start off this post with the typical "Happy Memorial Day"...I think that's a little weird.  I don't know why, but that phrase hits me weird.  Yes, we should be happy that we have our freedoms, and I hope you all are having a happy day, but I feel weird saying I hope you have a happy day of remembering our fallen men and women who paid the ultimate price so I could have days and a life of freedom and happiness. 

Don't get me wrong, I myself have already been to the beach with friends and back today, and I am certainly happy, I hope all of you are having a great day as well, but I also hope you have taken time to say a quick prayer of gratitude for the many blessings we have in this incredibly country thanks to the sacrifices of the men and women we honor today.  Today is a day of remembrance and a good day to be thankful...and since I've missed a few Thankful Thursdays...why not take the opportunity today?

I am thankful for:

1. The men and women of our great nation, and their families who have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms and liberties of the people of our nation.  The husbands and wives who have laid down their spouse, and the children who have laid down their parents...Mothers and Fathers who have sacrificed their children, siblings who have laid down their brothers and sisters, and friends who have sacrificed friends for the unnamed millions who live here in this country, and for me.  So that I could be live, and to pursue happiness.

2. I am thankful for the wonderful members of my family who have served.  Thankful and proud!

3. I am thankful for time, on a day like today and in times like these where friends and family are delivered into places of uncertainty, one realizes even more so the fleeting nature of time, and the unpredictability of life.

4. On a sillier note, I'm thankful that I escaped getting stung by a crazy bee that decided to fly in through the car window while we were driving to the scathed my shoulder and landed curled up in the car seat next to was actually quite traumatizing...for one who is terrified of bees and whose immediate reaction is to run away, when you can't run's a little scary....

5. Sunshine, sand, and water...yay beaches! (and the fact that I finally got to go!)

6. I am thankful for the most incredible friends in the world.

7.  I am thankful for the countless blessings I have been showered with lately.  For a job, in the district that I wanted, at the school that I wanted, at the grade level I wanted...and for the doors that God has been throwing open for me.

Those are just a few of the things I have remembered to be thankful for today....

What are you thankful for?

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