Wednesday, February 17, 2010


OK, so it's been a while since I've posted anything on here.  My apologies.  So we recently had one of my favorite holidays aside from Christmas and my birthday (yes, my birthday is a holiday in my world!)  Yes folks, I LOVE Valentine's Day! I don't care what all the cynics say, I love the holiday.  Yes we should tell people we love them all year round, but how many of us can actually say that we do tell the people we love that we love them every day and who can say they actually give random gifts and special surprises for no reason at all.  PLEASE...the truth is MOST people wait for an occasion of some sort...I'm not saying that's right or wrong, but I'm just saying Valentine's Day is another occasion and opportunity to tell and show people you love them and that they are special to you!  Now come on now, quit sippin on the hater-ade!  Oh and all you critics who argue that it's a made up holiday so that hallmark and candy companies can sell more of their product, there are plenty of OTHER perfectly legitimate ways to show someone you love them without buying flowers, candy, or quit complaining and being lame, and be creative!

OK...getting off the soapbox now.  Either way...single or not I always enjoy Valentine's Day.  I love telling people that I love them...making little cards and goodie bags and having the whole world painted pink, white, and red with hearts for the day.  How can you be a hater when the world is pink?!?!?!?

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