Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Triumphant Return

OK, so I know I've been epic failing lately to post anything on here.  The last couple weeks have been crazy busy, and I have had to put blogging on the back burner.  In addition, I've just been reminded that I've also been putting other things on the back burner...such as my resolution to do something new for myself every week. 

So here are some new things that I HAVE done lately....let's see....I got a manicure like 2 weeks ago, and that was something new for me.  I thought perhaps by paying to have my nails done they wouldn't chip so easily....but that notion has been proven false, as the very next day they were already chipped! So no more paying for chipped nails.  From now on, only pedicures. 

This past weekend I took a trip up to my old undergrad stomping grounds and reunited with my old roommate who I haven't seen since graduation!  It was great fun!  Before getting up there though I did stop off and visit my good friend, Ben, along the way.  We ended up going out to eat at a new place neither one of us had been to, which was awesome...BUT...we walked in and immediately realized the place was a lot more fancy and romantic than either one of us would have ever even guessed.  I literally walked in and "OH!" just came flying out of my mouth.  As I was turning to suggest that maybe we should go somewhere else, the host was already trying to take my coat.  As I'm standing there trying to get my coat unbuttoned I'm taking forever...for some reason my buttons wanted to be difficult and I think I was still in a bit of shock and couldn't function properly; the host at one point said "Those are some big buttons there." while waiting for my coat which I was still working with.  Can I say ummmm AWKWARD!!!  Anyway, so I finally hand the coat over and the host takes us to be seated. And OF COURSE they would seat us in the most secluded and darkest corner of the restaurant, just to make it even more AWKWARD!!!  So we sit down and Ben is like...."I had NO IDEA this place was like this.  I'm sorry, this is kinda awkward." (We are clearly just friends lol).  So then, enter incredibly awkward and extremely flamboyant waiter, who talks funny and inserts lots of long awkward pauses....cut to individual close ups of Ben and I bracing ourselves to keep from falling out on the floor laughing at this guy and the whole situation.  Exit waiter, who is now pissed at us because we didn't order drinks which is clearly where he makes all his money.  Insert some great laughs and excellent conversation, and then enter some BANGIN' food = incredibly awkward and yet FREAKIN AMAZING night!  Oh yeah, and piss off waiter one more time by not ordering any dessert lol.

Anyway, so that was something new and incredibly awesome that I did recently. 

Finally made it to my final destination, and the roomie and I decided to go out to stop by a friend's party first and say hello, and then hit up our favorite little place for our favorite little cocktails!  Well...the party...turned into an immediate reminder of how old we both are....from the second we walked in the door we were both like...ugh, get me out of here.  We've outgrown undergrad parties...then we went over to our fav. lil place for some drinks, made it there around 11:40...only to find out we can't open up a tab because the place is closing at midnight! WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  FAIL!!! So we get ONE drink and head back to the hotel where we drink a little bit more and then put our old butts to bed.

Next morning....sleep in REALLY late and don't leave hotel till 1:00....pick up lil sis and head to another favorite restaurant for some GOOD EATS!!!  One of my favorite things about this town that I absolutely miss are all the great restaurants, with character, quirks, fun atmosphere, and a wide variety of EXCELLENT FOOD!

Here's the roommate and I at the incredible Dave's Taverna:

Ok then we threw in a little stroll around town, some shopping, a stop off at the best ice cream bar in the world, Kline's!!!  Drop off the lil sis and hit up target and the mall for more shopping...then off for a night at the theater.  We were headed to the high school where my roommate student taught for her music education degree last year.  The students were performing "White Christmas" (one of my favorite shows and favorite christmas movies ever!) 

Looks like they still had everyone in town in the Christmas spirit (the Christmas tree still up at Subway on Feb. 27)
Anyway, the show was amazing and made me want to have Christmas all over again right now!  My old voice professor's son played the lead, Bob Wallace, in the show and he was incredible and I got to see my voice professor and the whole family at the show which was really great too.  So, all in all a great reunioin!

Finally headed home on Sunday and stopped off to visit another of my best friends in the entire world! And solved the problems of the universe...and then eventually made it home.  = EXCELLENT WEEKEND!

Now I'm in the early stages of student teaching and have been crazy busy developing lesson plans and still doing final projects and exams for my classes = SUPER BUSY!  I've been teaching science to my fourth graders the past few days, particularly the scientific method, and we've been doing lots of experiments.  It's been great fun!  Today is a snow day though, so I got some much needed beauty rest and now I have some much needed time to create more lesson plans and do more work.  So it's back to being productive for me.  I may try to cook something tonight, so hopefully I'll have a new recipe to share soon!


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