Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tales from the lives of Babes

Today was filled with fun kid stories, so I HAD to share.

My 4th graders have just started their poetry unit, and they have really been writing some GREAT stuff!  They are loving poetry, reading and writing it, and I am loving it as well.  Today, my allergies have been absolutely horrific, and I have literally been sneezing ALL DAY, my eyes have been watery and puffy, and I've been terribly congested.  One of my kids came up to me and said, "Miss Howell, I want to write a poem about you.  Would you be mad if I wrote a poem about you sneezing?"  I laughed and told her to go right ahead, I thought it was a hilarious idea and I was eager to hear what she wrote.  She shared it with the entire class when she was finished and I had her make me a copy, so here it is....

Dear Miss Howell, God bless you!
(By One of my Students)

Dear Miss. Howell, God bless you, God bless you!
You sneeze so much it makes me go nuts.
Dear Miss Howell, God bless you, God bless you!
I wish I can help you.
Sneeze and sneeze some more
And when I'm done you'll snore.
Dear Miss. Howell, God bless you, God bless you!
I know your so kind
I just wish your sneezing was out of my mind.
Hachu, Hachu
God bless you Miss Howell.
So how are you hachu, hachu
Well all I have to say is God bless you too.
There another day your sneezing will be gone in one.


So here's another reason I love my 4th graders.  Two of the boys from my class attended a baseball game played by my college's team against another university team.  The boys both got balls from the game, and decided to give one to me because it was from my college.  So instead of getting the ol' apple, I got a baseball this morning! know you're jealous!

So following a day with 4th graders, I then went to work with my pre-K kids.  Here's what one of my 5 year olds said very matter-of-factly, while playing Barbies with her friend.

"A beauty parlor is where you get beauty."

Don't I wish I could just "get beauty" lol!  I love these little ones!

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