Saturday, March 6, 2010


 Sooooo my roommate (well, technically former roommate but I will never drop the title...the title of roomie between the two of us is even more significant to than 'best friend".)  Anyway, so my roomie has put up a post based on a Christian radio show where the main guy does what's called "Thankful Thursdays" and people call in and say what they are thankful for.  My roomie has thus begun a thankful thursday blog post, which I responded to with my own list and am going to post here now.  What are you thankful for?  Have you stopped to think about it today?  How often do we actually stop to think about these things?  The roomie and I are going to try to keep this up every week now.  Here's my list for the week...leave a comment with your list. 

I'm thankful for:
1. The most amazing roomie in the whole world who I love and adore!

2. The most amazing people in my life.

3. That I have purpose, a calling, and a direction.

4. That I get to wake up every day with a new opportunity to touch a life, to build someone up, to change a world for someone.

5. That I have a future of promise where doors are open.

6. That I have more than enough to sustain me.

7. Clothes and shoes (superficial but still...I'm thankful for it...)

8. Food

9. Music

10. Beauty

11. Life

12. Love

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