Monday, January 4, 2010

God is Amazing

OK, so originally I had intended to write a little post about worry...because though I'm not typically a worrier, I was worried for a little bit about something and it had been eating away at me for nearly two days.  The whole time I was composing that blog though I kept hearing this persistent voice in my head speaking scripture from Luke 12:25-26 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?"  And it was really nagging me (which is terrible to say and Christians everywhere will totally judge me for most of what I will probably say in this blog, but those imperfect Christians might be able to relate).  I know I hate it, when something's bothering me and someone or "that little voice" throws scripture like that in my face, because like a child I just want to do things my way sometimes and I don't want to be called out for it.  But in the end I did end up diving into the Bible some tonight, and God spoke some great things to me and put my heart at rest.  And you know what...shortly after I had finished with that...what I had been worrying about before...resolved itself.  And I'm sure God was chuckling at me the whole time thinking, "silly little girl".  I've decided that getting into the word of God and developing a relationship with him sometimes parallels getting into a gym routine (especially for someone like me)....sometimes you just don't want to do it, but if you just do it, you'll be glad you did and you'll think to yourself, "man, what was my problem?? This is awesome!" And you'll feel so much better about life afterward.  Hopefully I haven't offended anyone with these thoughts and antics, but these are the thoughts that were on my heart that I felt compelled to share with you tonight.

God is amazing, and I am nothing more than a silly little girl.


  1. God does that to me all the time...if that little voice were Jiminy Cricket I would have squashed him a long time ago. Thankfully, God doesn't give up on me:) He IS pretty amazing.

  2. FACT lol thanks for reading girl!

  3. Who could judge you for writing out what we all experience more often than any of us would confess? Beautifully said!
