Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tales from the lives of babes

OK, so how have the first couple of days back at work been for everyone???  Well mine have been pretty good.  Days at the daycare have been pretty relaxed, and tomorrow is my last day of work!  Thursday I'm off, and then Friday I head out of town bound for a Saturday flight to Costa Rica!!!! YAY!!!  Then once I get back...I'll have a couple of days to recoup before starting back to the grind with classes it's all going by too fast.

Anyway, so I promised a fun kid story...I don't really have any from daycare in the past few days...those lil ones have actually been relatively normal.  BUT I do also keep a little girl a couple mornings a week.  I haven't watched her for the last couple weeks because of the holidays and her parents were off from work, just before the break though she had started walking which was very exciting.  And today was my first day keeping her since before the holidays and she is full on walking now!!!  No more crawling!  So she has two funny stories from today.  Funny story #1: We were dragging out all of her new toys that she'd gotten for Christmas, and one thing she got was these cube boxes that all fit inside one another and if you took them out and turned them over you could stack them.  So of course I set to work stacking them all on top of each other as any normal adult would do...so I create this block tower and I'm very excited to watch lil munchkin go in for the kill and tear it down in one fowl swoop as any normal toddler would do sending it crashing to the ground.  I could hardly wait, it was going to be a very proud moment for me...her first block tower demolition!  So of course she sees my incredible structure of architectural masterwork and she stands up next to it...sits down in my lap....stands up again and looks at it...reaches for the top block but sits again...then she stands again....and grabs the top block and holds it for a second and then throws it down....then she grabs the next block and does the same thing....she continues this way taking one block at a time carefully off its place and tossing it to the floor....no crashing....no sending it crumbling to the floor....just calmly, and carefully...removing each block one at a time.  I couldn't believe it!!!! I was actually disappointed and amazed all at once.  I've never seen a baby approach block tower demolition with such care.

<- What I thought might happen with the block tower...but didn't...

Anyway, so funny story #2:  A little while later we had pulled out one of her new books.  This really cool Elmo's Piano Book!  it had a little piano on it and everything that lights up for you to follow and play the right keys, and also buttons to push for certain songs that correspond to certain pages and everything color coded...truly amazing!  I was probably far more interested in it than she was...again...I'm really still a kid at heart.  So anyway I'm still enamored with this book, meanwhile she's lost interest and has slid off my lap and back to her toychest when I suddenly hear a funny noise...all within about 2 seconds.  I look over to see her legs sticking up out of the toy chest and her lying in with all her toys...not upset...or crying....just still....like it was totally ok that she had just fallen into her toy chest.  I couldn't help but laugh as I went to rescue her.  And even after I pulled her out...not a whimper...as if it was totally normal.  I told her mom about it later and she said that had happened a few times already lol...so apparently it is normal for her.  She's precious and awesome and I just love her!

Anyway, I don't think I really have anything profound to say tonight...just some cute kid stories.  That's all for now folks!

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