Thursday, January 21, 2010

Side note!

OK!  So this has nothing to do with Costa Rica, but I HAD to talk about it.  First off, I have REALLY missed all my gals from the Elementary Ed. program!  As much as I hate having to be back in classes, I have already had a lot of laughs since I've been back with these ladies.  Girls, you know who you are and I LOVE YOU!!!

Anyway, so funny stories from today that I really had to share.  SO I'm on my way to class and just before I get to the parking deck I feel my phone vibrating.  I fish around in my pocket for the phone and find one of my girls from the program who is supposed to be joining me in class on the other line...she's in freak out mode.  "Addison, I locked myself out of my house!  My car keys are in there, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!"  And I'm thinking...oh geez, here we go again lol (she does this sort of thing moderately frequently lol)  So I offer to drive over and pick her up that way both of us will only be a couple minutes late rather than her missing class.  She had all of her stuff with her including her gym bag to hit up the gym with me after class (she's going to be a doll and make sure I go to the gym with her 5 days a week!)

So yeah...I pick her up we go to's fine...we're going to go to the gym together and I'll take her home afterward, and her roommates will be home with dinner ready and everything will be fine.  Well we get to the locker room and start changing into our gym clothes when low and behold, what is she missing?!?!?! Her pants!!!  She had completely forgotten to pack pants to work out in and she was in jeans...hahaha so the poor gal ended up hanging out reading a magazine while I forced myself through a 30 min workout.  Anyway I was dying laughing in the locker room about that one.  She just had a special day today.

So anyway...we get back to her place and her housemates had invited me to stay for dinner and you don't have to ask me twice when there's food involved so I had dinner there.  Well...we forgot to turn off the stove after we had all served ourselves...burnt the rest of the soup to death...stunk up the house and had to open all the windows and doors to let out all the smoke and smell...oh and come to find out, her roommate today had forgotten her wallet when she desperately needed to get gas and was about 45 min away from home!  So it was just a bad day for the ladies of that household over all.  Of course we were all laughing it up over the whole thing while eating and watching SuperBad...(which I LOVE!) I mean...what else can you do besides laugh?  What a day!  And tomorrow is a new day!  I'm going to try out a new recipe tomorrow for the first time..we'll see how I do...if it's good I may have to share it with all of you.'s been a great day!  Thank God for providing me with the most incredible friends in the world!  I love you all!!


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