Saturday, January 2, 2010

Taking the plunge...

Into the world of blogging that is.

Well if you've just happened to stumble across my blog, welcome!  If you're one of my friends who I told about this and are reading it either A)To be a good friend, or B)Because you're actually interested in what I have to say, thanks, I love you!  I really do have the best friends in the entire world and I don't think I tell them enough, I think I'll have to add that to my list of New Year's Resolutions...telling my friends how amazing they are much more often.  I suppose that could be a discussion topic for years resolutions.  I am trying something different this year.  Instead of these big huge over arching ones like "lose weight" or "be healthier" I'm going for smaller more immediate goals that will accumulate throughout the year.  I read somewhere that that's the way to go if you really want to experience success. So like instead of resolving just to lose weight...I've resolved to lose 1-2lbs a week with a goal weight in mind.  And then instead of just resolving to work out more...I've resolved to do something physical at least 3 times a week to start with and gradually move up to more frequent and intense work out expectations.  (Anyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely HATE working out, and I DO NOT run.)  I'm also resolving to drink more water...I did this last year and I was good about it for a while, but somewhere along the road fell off the track, so it's time to get back on track.  I've got a camelbak water bottle that I am resolving to drink a full 750ml (that's a full bottle) everyday.  In other news, aside from all the healthy stuff I have a few others, and I think I just might have to make some sort of resolution for myself as to how much I blog on here, and maybe too to resolve to do something out of the ordinary every week or something like that, because sometimes being a student can get monotonous and my life falls into patterns and routines = BORING! I want more excitement and more adventure in my life, and I think everyone would agree I need exciting stuff to write about.

Speaking of exciting stuff to write about, I'm off to Costa Rica in one week! OMG, I can't believe it's that soon!  I'll be there from the 9th-16th and I can hardly stand the wait.  I'm going on a mission trip to the Guanacaste region and I am extremely excited.  I doubt I'll have any internet access while I'm there so I will definitely have TONS to say upon my return.  My plan is to have lots of pictures, great stories, and I am anticipating a truly life changing experience.  Those of you that know me, I know I throw that whole "life changing" phrase around a lot, but this time I truly mean it in its true essence.  I want to be a slightly different person with some new perspectives.  As I prepare for this journey, my request is that those of you out there in the world reading this would lift up some prayers for this trip, myself, the team I'm going with, and most importantly, the people of Costa Rica we are going to meet and interact with.

As you may have read on the little "About Me" section on the side, I am a rising elementary teacher.  I am currently entering my last semester of the Elementary Education Master's degree program at William & Mary.  It's been quite a whirl wind since I started the program in June, and I can't believe I will already be graduating in May.  It's exciting and scary all at once! The countdown is on! But, knowing this about me, you can anticipate to read lots of fun kid stories about funny things that kids say and do either from the daycare that I work at, or from my student teaching, so get ready for that.  I promise they'll be little droplets of joy and laughter in your life.  I've already got plenty of good ones lined up, but I don't want to spill the beans all at once.

And to leave you with a funny story and a small piece of good advice on this oh so exciting first blogpost of mine I will tell you why fighting with a wine bottle is never a good idea...

So the other night I was having a bit to drink and I went to go open a bottle of wine I had purchased, and it was a twist off cap, not a cork.  Anyway, for some reason I could not get the cap off so I grabed a sharp knife thinking I would just cut the connectors that connect the cap to that little strip at the bottom, you know what I'm talking about.  OK, so I did that and tried to twist the cap again...still no then I thought, perhaps the lid is just clinging too tightly to the I grabbed the knife again and this time slipped it under the lid to try and loosen it's seal from the bottle...well while doing this I ended up slicing up the the metal lid and it in turn sliced up the fingers on my left hand!  So I have gashes and cuts across the four fingers of my left hand (my thumb remained unscathed) and still could not get the blasted bottle open!  Apparently, God was telling me I did not need anymore wine for the evening, and I gave up for the night.  I was eventually able to get the wine bottle open the next day, because I simply cannot accept defeat (especially from inanimate objects!) or just let things I tackled it the next morning and won.  But my advise is not play with knives or fight with wine bottles while already under the influence because it most likely will not turn out in your favor, and I would hate for any of you to slice a finger off.

Well, for now, that's all folks!


  1. Oh Addison how I have missed you! I think starting a blog is a splindid idea! I wish you the best of luck with it, and I most likley will be reading from time to time because I have a very boring job that allows for such things. :D I love the story about the wine bottle, I too have been there. But I ended up blowing the cork all the way in the bottle and drank cork wine for the rest of the evening :p I am glad however that I no longer need to learn the "knives and alcohol" lesson :) Thank you.

    <3 Your Freshman year Roommate

    p.s. CONGRATS on your endeavours to become a elementary school teacher!!!

  2. Ah! Hey girl!!!! Thanks for dropping in! Glad you enjoyed my little mishap lol. What's your job? I have missed you too and I would love to catch up! That whole cork wine story sounds like an epic fail lol, but at least you came out unscathed. Hope you are well. P.S. I have looked at some of your art you have posted on fb and I think it's great! You really are very talented, and I'm glad you've found what makes you happy and are pursuing it whole heartedly. I wish you all the best and please keep me posted on later artwork!

    Your freshman roomie!!! <3

  3. Okay. So I was expecting a really funny story about the wine bottle, but I kept reading and discovered it was more horror than humor.

    Shambles, Addison. Shambles.

  4. I feel like as long as I'm living and breathing...there will be plenty more shambles for me to regale you with later. lol!
